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"Philosophy Slam - "It’s About Everything!” (“Es geht um alles!")

Directed by: Prof. Simone Dietz (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) and Prof. Ludger Schwarte (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf)

In the Philosophy Slam, students and teachers take the stage every 10 minutes to present their ideas, aiming to bridge the gap between academic philosophical discourse and the general public. Furthermore, the Slam provides students with an opportunity to present theoretical content in an accessible manner.

In short, the "Philosophy Slam" seeks to showcase the relevance of philosophy in addressing contemporary questions, as encapsulated by the Slam's motto: "It's About Everything."

While there is a discernible public interest in philosophical topics, genuine philosophical discussions have found limited space in public discourse. The Philosophy Slam aims to address this gap by presenting philosophical content in an engaging and entertaining manner.

Unlike other slam formats, the emphasis here is not on poetry, humor, or frivolity but on elucidating what makes philosophy meaningful to the public. Criteria for evaluation encompass coherence, erudition, originality, creativity, comprehensibility, consistency, relevance, daring, and wisdom.

For videos of the Philosophy Slam from 2022, please visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtlYKF_K1m5MQGr4LNw8o5A.

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